
Showing posts from July, 2020

Level 2

June 5, 2020 I better hurry up or Level 2 will be over before I write anything. Level 2: We moved!  So much more space.  So many nice things.   Grapes above our doorway entry.  Chestnut trees.  Feijoa bushes. I ordered a tortilla press and made perfect looking corn tortillas (well- after the first disasterous one.) I had a "covid romance" (talk online until level 2). We went to a cafe in a box on the opening of level 2. We went to the lake to take pictures of the sunset We decorated my new room and introduced the cat to the bed. We made food platters to "go see the neighbors" (my host parents who were "in our bubble" during lockdown, but in a separate house starting in level 2). I cooked and peeled chesnuts to bring to a family gathering. We ordered things and got in the box. Kitties in New Zealand wear sweaters because it is very cold. "Our parents" front door at night.  So beautiful walking up to it. We went shopping and to another cafe for lun